Elevating Customer Experiences: The Key to Charter Success
People sitting on the roof of a catamaran

Elevating Customer Experiences: The Key to Charter Success

Floatist understands that the heart of a yacht charter's success rate rests in the experience of the guests. It's not just about the vessel; it's about crafting an experience that leaves a lasting mark

Rebecca Florissi

Rebecca Florissi

July 30, 20232 min read

Elevating Customer Experiences: The Key to Charter Success

Picture this: You step onto a luxurious yacht, the sun glistening on the waves, a gentle breeze caressing your skin. The anticipation of an unforgettable journey courses through you. This is the allure of yacht charters – the promise of a dreamy escape. But what truly transforms this promise into reality? It's the seamless customer experience, the magic that turns a mere vacation into cherished memories. This is where Floatist emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing the world of yacht charters through its innovative approach to enhancing guest satisfaction.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Floatist understands that the heart of a yacht charter's success rate rests in the experience of the guests. It's not just about the vessel; it's about crafting an experience that leaves a lasting mark. The lasting impression is the first impression, and the key to this being successful is Floatist's personalized charter app that caters to every guest's need.

Bid farewell to confusion and uncertainty during check-in. Floatist's app is a trusted hub of information, housing not only photos and videos but also comprehensive equipment details. No matter your preferred language, the app provides guiding instructions, making the check-in process a breeze. And that's not all – the app goes beyond convenience. It equips guests with troubleshooting guides and in-app chat support, turning them into empowered charterers who can tackle challenges head-on. Floatist's focus on customer satisfaction ensures a smooth voyage and creates memories that will keep guests coming back for more.

Empowerment through Information

Imagine having everything you need in one place. That's what Floatist offers with its charter client app – a hub catering to guests before, during, and after their charter. Accessing equipment instructions has never been simpler, providing familiarity and comfort with the yacht. The app's mobile check-in feature, fully customizable, guides guests through a pre-check process that saves time and stress for everyone involved.

Guided Excellence

Floatist doesn't stop at convenience; it strives for excellence. The app's guided check-in flows, complete with multilingual instructions, images, and videos, transcend language barriers, ensuring a smooth process. Technician's hands are freed during check-in day, able to assist where needed, enriching the interaction.

In the past, check-in day often felt like a chaos, stealing from the holiday's joy. Floatist changes that narrative. With Floatist, check-in day becomes an integral part of the holiday itself. No more waiting for yacht readiness or slogging through checklists. Instead, clients embark on their holiday journey from the moment they step onto the vessel.

Floatist has turned the check-in experience from a dreaded admin day to a seamless, enjoyable part of the journey. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and enhancing convenience, Floatist is leading the charge in transforming yacht charters. When every moment of the voyage is a delight, it's no longer just a charter; it's a cherished memory in the making. Choose Floatist and make your yacht charter experience an unforgettable tale of luxury, adventure, and seamless joy for your clients.

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Photo(s) by Christian Lendl